Study for Convergence
Twinning a thing it is not, a hole (Utah)


Installation view of contingent object and video projection/pine, green paint, mirror, video 30:21

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“ A thing is a hole in a thing it is not. ” – Carl Andre
Study for Convergence Performance is a series of works that seeks to perform a conflation of the artist's studio as site of production, the space of display as the reception of image, and landscape as site for epic but apathetic metaphor.
The two videos each use the ‘green screen’, a technique that allows the “non-space” of the chroma key to assume any context or site. Here, imagery from landscapes that shift in geological time, specifically formations pertaining to water, is superimposed in the site of the artists labor. These images were lifted from the public domain of the internet. The title of the works refers to Robert Smithson's idea of "the range of convergence between site and non-site" whereas the land from the originating site shifts to the container of the non-site. In Study for Convergence Performance, the site of origin and the sign of site transpose as they collapse in time.
The photographs are further explorations in the structure of ‘being there’ and ‘performing there’.
Assisted by Cori Williams
Animation by Todd Mattei

Study for Convergence Performance (ice) is the second work in a series that seeks to conflate the artist’s studio as a performative site of production, the space of display as the reception of image, and landscape as site for epic but apathetic metaphor. It uses the devices of the theatrical stage and the green screen; both of which operates as a ‘non-space’ that allows the conflation of multiple contexts or sites. I’ll be using imagery from landscapes that shift in time and crystallize, landscapes such as glacier field, iceberg and crystal caves or salt mines. The title of the piece refers to Smithson’s idea of ‘the range of convergence between Site and Nonsite’ whereas the land from the originating Site is placed in the container of the Non-site. In my work, Study for Convergence Performance, the thing itself or the site of origin and the sign of site converge as they transpose.
Publication with essay by John Neff
Featured in the Visualist, Temporary, Bad at Sports
Publication with essay by John Neff
Featured in the Visualist, Temporary, Bad at Sports